Hiya all,
And a merry Christmas to all. Notice I don't say "happy holidays." Because, to be honest with you, I whole heartedly believe if you celebrate December 25th and you get the day off, you should honor the birth of Christmas. Any other celebration on this particular date is folly.
So I'm sitting at a Starbucks on this particular Christmas. I kinda' dig the low-key celebration. Last night, I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" drunk on single malt scotch. Don't you wish you had my life?
All jokes aside, I think I use to be a sentimental dude. It would grate on me when things didn't fulfill themselves. I never really had high expectations. I had the realistic pruning of Mom. She is a glass half-empty type person. Not that it's a bad thing...sometimes it's to protect from anger and pain. Sometimes, when someone asks me about working in Hollywood, I give them the reality of it too. I try to soften it with choices. But, it's like a plane crash victim that, they can tell you the experience, but it's still a foreign concept unless you go through the same thing. I feel Christmas can make one feel like George Bailey. Which reminds me...so Clarence, the angel, jumps from the bridge to save George. Now, isn't it presumed the impact would most surely kill him. So George jumped from the bridge anyway. AND survived. Kinda a flaw there somewhere. But, that's just my cynical self rising up. How about I just enjoy the message about friendship. Which, speaking of being jaded, nowadays, people can't accept the simplicity of humanity. We draw a lot of personal bullplop to explain terrible behavior. There's a certain level of distrust now that a town like Bedford Falls once had. I personally like those small towns. It was one big family. I think we look at those towns with contempt. Which is really strange, since it was ideal. People, maybe consider it too boring. Or too many busy bodies. I happen to like the idea of each one of us watching over each other. In Los Angeles, there is an enormous amount of distrust. And suspicion of your neighbor. There's too many shitbags that ruined it. It sucks. I think that's what is missing these days...neighborly love.
I've been watching a lot of 50's sitcoms lately. And, it's weird to see how people use to treat each other. There was accountability. There were parents who got involved with their children. Who actually cared, but still had time to crack wise. Yeah, I know it's television, and I'm sure there was a more darker side, but how is it that violent movies/video games can be blamed for violence, when we're not as influenced by good behavior?
I guess that's why I can't deal with a show like "Modern Family." It's just too painful to see how far we've slid down the sludge trail. It seems like it turns a mirror to life. But in reality, it just excuses the fractured idea of family.
Oh right, Merry Christmas to all!
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