People judge you by your face. That's just obvious. They can tell a lot about you by it. 'Cause we're judgmental jerks. At least I am.
I was born with really hideously awful greasy skin. I broke out when someone would even mention Kentucky Fried Chicken. Gawd awful breakouts. My face was a roadmap to a pizza parlor. Just awful. Now if you suffer, like I have, you know that this can really tear your ego a big one. No one looks you directly in the face. Which usually is a prerequisite to get a girl to kiss you. Had a lot of work to get that to happen.
That said, in my adult life, it was pretty rough too. It's not so much the breakouts now than the residual scars. Large pits. Craters. Look, everyone has pimples at some point. It's a strange equalizer. Most everyone can sympathize. Or at the very least pity.
Having this self-conscious awfulness, I tried EVERYTHING. Honey. Lemon. Yogurt masks. Cucumbers. Tomatoes. I pretty much had a salad dressing on my freakin' face. And still...nothing. In fact...blotchy as usual. So I started to think about everything that all these products bring. Vitamin A to replenish dead skin. Vitamin E to seal pores. Lemon, 'cause it's acid...and Blah. Blah. Blah.
So, for those who suffer, I think I came up with a cheap solution to the problem. Since those other solutions the budget of Micronesia. As most who know is my favorite word. This is something that has cleared up the scars - in a few weeks. And actually gives a natural glow of skin texture. I'm no scientist, so I don't know why. But if you're at wits end with trying to even out skin and sick of blemishes, give this a try:
First you need a small spray bottle:
You can find these at any drugstore like Walgreens or CVS. Usually in the hair department.
Next, add in distilled water. You can find this at your grocery store. Just don't drink it. Pour it into the bottle, I would say 1/2 cup. Depending on how much of this you want to make ahead of time.
Add in 1/4 tsp of baking soda. Arm & Hammer works pretty good.
1 slice of lemon. Squeeze the juice into the bottle.
1 tsp of Rose Hip oil. (this may be your biggest cost. I found it for $6/ for 3ml). Okay, most people don't know where to find this. And all these other blogs who post it don't know either. Well, you can order it cheap online. Or go to your local vitamin store. They have weeeeeeird stuff there. At least here in Los Angeles.
Pour in the Rose Hip oil.
Now, I throw in a capsule of Clindamycin. I have NO IDEA where these prescribed drug came from. But for some reason this prescription bottle had my name on it, but I don't remember how I got it or what it's for. Upon research online, I learn it's an antibiotic. Well, I can definitely have some biotics that need to be anti'd. I break open the capsule and pour in the powder (even though it instructs me to take it internally). For those who don't have access to this it's not a big deal. I think it's just an antibacterial agent. That is also what the lemon juice is for.
Finally add 1 tsp of rubbing alcohol. This is more mild than what these other people are suggesting with hydrogen peroxide.
Okay, so shake the bottle of witch's brew and spray on face. Lightly. You don't want to blind yourself with this ungodly concoction. Use fingers to message. Let sit overnight. It's a refreshing feeling.
I swear in 2 weeks your face will clear up. If you have a ugly scar, a friend of mine recommended Calendula. Which you can dig up at Whole Foods. It's usually for cuts and burns, but it seems to work on blemish scars.
I hope this helps!
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