Thursday, September 26, 2024

Wow It's Been A Minute

It's not so much that I'm less angry. It's that I'm busy. But from what? well, I started a club that only shoots on film. It's grown fairly large now with a lot of supporters. If you plan on making your own group, I have a suggestion for you: don't. Unless you have time and mental bandwith to deal with the public. This is not for you. I remember a while back when our club was just a handful of people. We sat around talking about gear and then that was that Today, making movies on film consumes a lot of brain power. Specifically, always planning ahead. There's so many people who are seeking a community and that's nice. But I rattle off the same dumb pitch that it has sort of drain some enthusiasm for it. Fighting people repetitively over film vs. digital medium gets exhausting. I don't think I need to rationalize myself. Nor need to fully answer questions. It's like they want me to justify something they should already know. Frustrating, for sure. My co-workers seem to like patting me on the head on this. They think it's a nice side hustle. In terms of guiding younger people into the movie business. Truth...most of them won't make it. As an ex-girlfriend use to say "life gets in the way" I think the older you get, the more you go with the flow. Wherever that may take you.

Monday, October 3, 2022

There Are No More Movie Stars

I had an amazing discussion with a young man who seemed to want to get into movie making but then added that there is no more purpose in doing so. His influences happened to be people who seemed to be more otherwordly, people like Stanley Kubrick or Antonioni. These were somewhat Gods of cinema. I'm sure during their time, they were seen as solid filmmakers, who stood out from their peers. Can you name someone today who you could say that about? Does anyone stand out? Perhaps Denis Villenueve, Christopher Nolan or Quentin Tarantino? He seems to be doing larger cinematic films. Seems we are starved for filmmaking heroes. I think the issue is that we have democratized media. Everyone now grows up with a camera in their faces and a camera in their pocket. Anyone and everyone can do it. So if that is the case, what makes you so special? In that sense, there are no more Gods. Which extends to movie stars. There aren't any. You have people that are in movies. But if you saw them in person, you wouldn't hold the same reverence as you would...say...Humphrey Bogart. I think there is a lack of respect for the craft. We don't hold much of that with the same importance we use to. Why would we? Everyone has a YouTube channel. Or get their popularity through social media. Everyone is a personality. And thus Hollywood has died. It is a shame because I recall it being so great to see artists strive for their craft, meticulously study it and make brilliant stories. As of now, not much.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Why Does Acting Suck Now

Everyone complains how awful acting in these days. Though they look back at the movies of the 80's an 90's and think we were so quaint. I have a few reasons. Because we need so much content now, writers have no time to write. That means dialogue falls to the wayside. Ideas are great, writing is bad. Actors now all subscribe to mumbling their lines. Now, I'm not saying it has to be the theatrical arena of acting. But cinema was meant to be conveying words to people. When they speak in whispers, they may seem to think that is real, but how often do you speak in whispers. Or mumble. That isn't acting, it's using a device to seem more earnst. Bad! Speaking of time, no one really has the time to make anything of quality anymore. They need content. They don't care where that content comes from but it better be fast. That means people don't take time to get things right in rehearsals. Everything costs a lot, mostly...time. Time is super expensive. Actors are stretched thin. The thing about movie stars is that they have to be in the spotlight so they don't get the early curtain call. You ever stop to think what happened to your favorite actors in the past? If they don't do back to back projects you think they retired. That gives actors not much time to figure out what the story is. It really trickles down. Bad writing, bad content, bad acting. Bad directing is another reason. The studios love to hire based on race or sex. I agree that there should be no barriers to whom should get to direct a movie. BUT when you specifically go out to hire that person the well is pretty thin. Typically they'll find the newest hottest director on the independent circuit. Then surround them with (somewhat) experienced people. Yeah, it looks and feels like a movie, but something is still missing. A mentonship program is much more effective. Actors also don't seem to care anymore. I get it though...the ones on the lower tier are desperate to make a mortgage or rent. So they do anything and everything. Regardless of whether or not they care about the material. If enough people turned down roles because they are so poor, soon real writers would step up their game. All we did was lower the bar. And it became "it's good enough" Now, I understand...acting is somewhat subjective. Good acting or bad acting. And a lot most definitely comes from content. But I am now REALLY aware of poor acting. I watch mainstream movies recently and am baffled how some roles seem so miscasted. That's another thing, shoehorning a up and coming name into the role. Even though they are completely wrong. Cultivating an onscreen personality os bigger than you realize. But no one seems to care. We fix this, we get better stories.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

You Don't Like Biden, You Hate Trump

Ha! Whenever you shit on Joe Stupid Biden, the first thing that comes out of idiotic Lefty's mouth is "Trump sucks ass" So, in other words, you tanked our society because you didn't like a guy. Please name one thing Trump did that ruined America. They can't. I don't fucking like Trump. As I've repeatedly said, he is the typical New Yorker I want to kick in the nuts. BUT, he never did anything like this. And idiots are so blind by Trump hate, they are perfectly fine to make you suffer for it. There are no Biden supporters. They're are only Trump haters. And that is as pathetic as it gets. Yes, a bit of hyperbole, but I had this one moron comment on me making fun of Biden as "Trump supporters are the children of the kid from 'Deliverance'" after I mocked Biden's inbred looks. There are some people I would most definitely agree with on this. Rednecks tend to look like Biden. Biden is a disgusting racist puke. Any way, that wasn't even the focus. It was that Biden really looks like that rat looking kid who played the banjo. Rat faced fuck. That's Biden. Worthless his entire life. Worthless now. History will not be kind to this dude. History will treat anyone who voted for him worse. If only they could self-punish and not drag America with them. We are being led by the temper tantrum nitwits of society because we became a nation too scared to be adults. So we get the retard from "Deliverance" as President.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Gay Pete Buttigieg

The transportation secretary (snicker) disappeared for 2 months during one of the worst times for transport of goods and prices were going up. And no one noticed. At least the media didn't seem to scream where the fuck is this gay dude? Guy got his job ONLY because he is gay. He screwed Indiana up. Which is near impossible. And yet, this is where he goes. This administration hires on culture NOT on inteligence. And, honestly, this is what it looks like when you see government in the open. My ex-girlfriend's sister worked for the Library Of Congress and she told me it is impossible to be fired from a government job. Not for incompetence, not for have to be literally caught assaulting someone and have visual proof in order for them to even give a warning. She told me one of her employees was caught jerking his cock in the aisles. She couldn't do anything about it. This is the government. Is it a wonder the Left want government to get involved. Their lack of ambition is what creates this level of inefficiency. Falling into a role, while it may be fortuitous, isn't the way to go about life. Democrats want more government so idiotic stupid lethargic nitwits like Gay Pete have a purpose. Other than sucking cock. He's useless and that was VERY clear in his absence. Every one with a brain sees it. A lot of the reason why your goods cost so much in America because this dude can't do shit. By the way, what media didn't report. The railroad union was about to go on strike. This retard gave them everything they wanted AND a signing bonus of $10,000 with a 25% raise. Did ANY media outlet report this? Guess who pays that? They love to spend your money. Is it a wonder why more and more people are finding ways to not pay taxes and why this admin hired 87,000 IRS agents. Think critically folks.

Monday, September 19, 2022

"The Woman King" - Law of Low Expectations

I will probably go see this movie because I like Viola Davis and it feels like another "Braveheart" Which I love inaccurate historical flicks of revenge. There's been much said about the falsehoods this movie portrays. Honestly, I think that's what the trailer is trying to do. This movie opened in over 4000 theaters. You think it wasn't going to make some money? Perhaps. But, if you think about it, it is REALLY low for a $50 million investment. Why aren't media mocking it as needing to make triple that to be considered success. Because the problem with Lefties is that it requires them to have low expections for Brown and Black people. Essentially, if you are a Democrat you are a racist. Racist don't know they're racist. They hide it under the guise of good will. Patronizing Black and Brown people isn't racism. You wouldn't treat your fellow White's with the same kid gloves. Being treated equal in life is about listening. And as I reiterated time and time again, no one listens. I do give an advantage to the Midwesterner. Since I consider myself one. I listen intently. Not to gather information but because you should be fascinated by people. Most people have banal conversations. Debate is a give and take. Any way, the fact that this movie is a 95% on that aggregate review site is vomitously funny. Even "Braveheart" had its detractors. This is clearly a case of media not having the nutsacks to call this what it is. Dumb entertainment.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Martha's Vineyard Is A Sanctuary City

Haha. Governor Ron DeSantis sent a plane full of illegal immigrants to Obamas' front door. See how they like it. If there was ever a political "suck it!" it would be this move. The problem with Democrats, is that they can't suck up their pride and realize they failed miserably in keeping illegal invaders from coming to America. Once the illegals start to take over the town, that will be when anything gets done. See, the thing is, Democrats are elitist. They believe the general public are dumb unwashed idiots. That' pretty much what Hilary Clinton says. And their royalty status means we have to endure this mess, not them. Until they have to. Then they whine when they are forced to have skin in the game. How's it feel? Not good according to Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot. Her big fucking mouth landed a total less than a 1000 illegals in the city. So, of course, she calls it a national emergency. Now it's an emergency?! How about when El Paso was struggling with Feds not stepping up the fucking border. Fuck you. They will go down as the biggest failures in Chicago history. Pretty big statement when you consider the corruption that city has seen. Same with Los Angeles. Okay, so here's what's really happening. Democrats love illegal immigration because they floor red states. That means more Democrat votes. Because they're so pro welfare programs. BUT, they never think about who pays. Guess who pays? Us in the middle class. Middle class gets screwed all...the...time. Rich hide their money, poor can't pay. So forgive me if I think it's funny when rich people in resort town gets kicked in the face with reality. They don't want to see it, they just want you to endure it. I am counting the moments when Michelle Obama will whine again about White flight as they buy a 15 million dollar 25 acre estate. Can't wait until they start camping on their grounds. Or their neighbors. These rich people need to get a taste of real people. This is so awesome.